Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Okay I vow to make an item a day for 30 days(and hopefully more...)

So I have been feeling overwhelmed lately. I got myself involved in waaay too many swaps, but you know a girl has to have fun. So last night i was on craftster and this girl posted how she challenged herself to get ready for a fair by making an item a day for 30 days. I thought that was a great idea! It would give me a sense of accomplishment and sort of put me on a schedule. Because between etsy and ebay and shopping for materials (which I do more of than actually selling I must admit) I feel really swamped. And I still have loads of unfinished realy important stuff to do! WHEW! okay I got that out of the way. Now you know what up up to (literally) LOL! So here is a good start...yesterday I actually made two items, one is done one is waiting a button. That is the first at top left. The second I made today for my mother in law, so does that count? I actually made a pouch for my 10 yr old too...she helped and I am 95 % done with a third pouch. All in about 4 hours. so does that mean I get tomorrow off...????Hmmm NOOOOO

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